Single English Word for "to make more concise"?

I'm writing a review of Richard Lanham's Revising Prose.

Revising Prose provides detailed examples and tutorials that will help you clarify, simplify, and make your writing more concise.

What word can I use to replace "make your writing more concise"?

Solution 1:

Try "Revising Prose provides examples and tutorials that will clarify your writing." I also like the verbs tune up and sharpen.

There is a bit more tightening that could be done: "Using examples and tutorials, Revising Prose will clarify your writing." Or you could break it up something like this: "Revising Prose will clarify your writing. Using examples and prose, . . ."

Solution 2:

You could try “... and shorten your writing.”

Solution 3:

Sometimes, I find that when the end of one of my sentences is too long, the whole sentence should be tightened. I like to think of my text as a tweet that must convey everything with no characters wasted.

Thus, in your case, I came up with:

Revising Prose explores how to write clearer and concise writing.

I took out "simpler" as I felt that was implied.

Then I considered that "explores how to" has a single word replacement:

Revising Prose demonstrates writing clearer, concise writing.

Which it should not take a genius to realise is a horrible sentence with needless repetition. Thus I went further:

Revising Prose examines concise and clearer writing.

19 words reduced to 7.

If this was me, I would now move on to talking about the tutorials.