enjoy it [as much as possible] or [to the utmost] or [immensely] [closed]

Suppose that John has prepared some food for you. You're now eating it. He asks you, "Why are you eating so slowly? Which of the following three replies is best?

(1) "Because I want to enjoy it to the utmost."

(2) "Because I want to enjoy it as much as possible."

(3) "Because I want to enjoy it immensely."

The first two versions are mine. My non-native English speaking friends prefer version (3). Whose version is best?

Your option (1) is the best of the three on offer.

However, "savour" is a much better term to use, as it means precisely what you are looking for.

As stated at https://www.collinsdictionary.com/us/dictionary/english/savour:

"If you savour food or drink, you eat or drink it slowly in order to taste its full flavour and to enjoy it properly."