configured directory for incoming file does not exist

Solution 1:

You can get the path with

gsettings get org.blueman.transfer shared-path

and change it with (for instance):

gsettings set org.blueman.transfer shared-path '/home/toto'

Solution 2:

Selecting a new /Downloads/ folder in Blueman fixed the issue for me.

You can do it by opening Blueman Services (open Terminal and type blueman-services). There, under 'Transfer Settings', select a new folder as 'Incoming Folder' (I just selected /newUsername/Downloads/ as mine).

I apologize for the later answer, but as I had the same issue after I changed my host and user name, and there is no solving answer to this topic, I decided to post what removed the problem for me.

Solution 3:

As for me, this command:

gsettings set org.blueman.transfer shared-path '/home/your_user_name/Downloads'

solved the problem.

Of course instead of /home/your_user_name/Downloads, you can insert any other name of an existing folder.