Big-Daddy-Conjectures and Hierarchy of Mathematical Conjectures

I am interested in the Hierarchy and Connections between various different open problems in Mathematics, and the most general conjectures in various fields of Mathematics.

Examples of Hierachy


  • Fermat's Last Theorem $\subset$ Tanijama-Shimura Conjecture $\subset$ Serre's modularity conjecture

  • Fermat's Last Theorem $\subset$ Euler's conjecture (counterexamples known, therefore too strong)

  • Poincarè conjecture $\subset$ Geometrization conjecture


  • Fermat's Last Theorem with big exponents $\subseteq$ ABC-conjecture

  • Twin Prime Conjecture $\subset$ Hardy–Littlewood conjecture $\subset$ Schinzel's hypothesis H $\subset$ Bateman–Horn conjecture

  • Riemann hypothesis $\subset$ Generalized Riemann hypothesis $\subset$ Grand Riemann hypothesis

  • Cramér's conjecture $\subset$ Firoozbakht's conjecture

  • P vs. PSPACE $\subset$ P vs. NP-Problem $\subseteq$ Existance of One-Way-Functions

Examples of Big-Daddy-Conjectures

  • Schanuel's Conjecture in transcendence theory

  • Bateman–Horn conjecture in prime number theory

  • Existance of One-Way-Functions in complexity theory


  1. Are there complete lists of the dependencies between different conjectures in mathematics available?
  2. What are the most general Conjectures in various fields of Mathematics?
  3. (How can one ask this questions in a better way?)

The Riemann Hypothesis is a special case of the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis, which is a special case of the Grand Riemann Hypothesis.