Why is the Run option disabled on PyCharm?
I observed that on a new project the Run option is disabled and I expected to be able to run a script without having to manually add a configuration for it.
If you're creating a project from existing source: and If the existing source directory contains a lot of data/files:
- the Run option (and others, assumably) are disabled until PyCharm is finished indexing the contents in the project. You'll see a progress bar in the lower-right-hand corner.
You can speed this up by right-clicking on folders and selecting "Mark directory as..." -> "Excluded" if they aren't to be indexed.
Right click inside your main file & then you get Run option!
You can't run without a configuration, however temporary configuration can be created automatically if you use Run context menu option in the script editor.
I solved it just by right clicking on the .py file and clicking 'run'. After this the run button appeared enabled!
If the project folder contains a lot of files then the indexing process can take a long time. So you might need to wait before the Run button appears.