What does "pure" mean in "pure functional language"?

Haskell has been called a "pure functional language."

What does "pure" mean in this context? What consequences does this have for a programmer?

Solution 1:

In a pure functional language, you can't do anything that has a side effect.

A side effect would mean that evaluating an expression changes some internal state that would later cause evaluating the same expression to have a different result. In a pure functional language you can evaluate the same expression as often as you want with the same arguments, and it would always return the same value, because there is no state to change.

For example, a pure functional language cannot have an assignment operator or do input/output, although for practical purposes, even pure functional languages often call impure libraries to do I/O.

Solution 2:

"Pure" and "functional" are two separate concepts, although one is not very useful without the other.

A pure expression is idempotent: it can be evaluated any number of times, with identical results each time. This means the expression cannot have any observable side-effects. For example, if a function mutated its arguments, set a variable somewhere, or changed behavior based on something other than its input alone, then that function call is not pure.

A functional programming language is one in which functions are first-class. In other words, you can manipulate functions with exactly the same ease with which you can manipulate all other first-class values. For example, being able to use a "function returning bool" as a "data structure representing a set" would be easy in a functional programming language.

Programming in functional programming languages is often done in a mostly-pure style, and it is difficult to be strictly pure without higher-order function manipulation enabled by functional programming languages.

Haskell is a functional programming language, in which (almost) all expressions are pure; thus, Haskell is a purely functional programming language.

Solution 3:

A pure function is one which has no side effects — it takes a value in and gives a value back. There's no global state that functions modify. A pure functional language is one which forces functions to be pure. Purity has a number of interesting consequences, such as the fact that evaluation can be lazy — since a function call has no purpose but to return a value, then you don't need to actually execute the function if you aren't going to use its value. Thanks to this, things like recursive functions on infinite lists are common in Haskell.

Another consequence is that it doesn't matter in what order functions are evaluated — since they can't affect each other, you can do them in any order that's convenient. This means that some of the problems posed by parallel programming simply don't exist, since there isn't a "wrong" or "right" order for functions to execute.

Solution 4:

Strictly speaking, a pure functional language is a functional language (i.e. a language where functions are first-class values) where expressions have no side effects. The term “purely functional language” is synonymous.

By this definition, Haskell is not a pure functional language. Any language in which you can write programs that display their result, read and write files, have a GUI, and so on, is not purely functional. Thus no general purpose programming language is purely functional (but there are useful domain-specific purely functional languages: they can typically be seen as embedded languages in some way).

There is a useful relaxed sense in which languages like Haskell and Erlang can be considered purely functional, but languages like ML and Scheme cannot. A language can be considered purely functional if there is a reasonably large, useful and well-characterised subset where side effects are impossible. For example, in Haskell, all programs whose type is not built from IO or other effect-denoting monad are side-effect-free. In Erlang, all programs that don't use IO-inducing libraries or concurrency features are side-effect-free (this is more of a stretch than the Haskell case). Conversely, in ML or Scheme, a side effect can be buried in any function.

By this perspective, the purely functional subset of Haskell can be seen as the embedded language to deal with the behavior inside each monad (of course this is an odd perspective, as almost all the computation is happening in this “embedded” subset), and the purely functional subset of Erlang can be seen as the embedded language do deal with local behavior.

Graham Hutton has a slightly different, and quite interesting, perspective on the topic of purely functional languages:

Sometimes, the term “purely functional” is also used in a broader sense to mean languages that might incorporate computational effects, but without altering the notion of ‘function’ (as evidenced by the fact that the essential properties of functions are preserved.) Typically, the evaluation of an expression can yield a ‘task’, which is then executed separately to cause computational effects. The evaluation and execution phases are separated in such a way that the evaluation phase does not compromise the standard properties of expressions and functions. The input/output mechanisms of Haskell, for example, are of this kind.

I.e. in Haskell, a function has the type a -> b and can't have side effects. An expression of type IO (a -> b) can have side effects, but it's not a function. Thus in Haskell functions must be pure, hence Haskell is purely functional.

Solution 5:

As there cannot be any side effects in pure functional code, testing gets much easier as there is no external state to check or verify. Also, because of this, extending code may become easier.

I lost count of the number of times I had trouble with non-obvious side effects when extending/fixing (or trying to fix) code.