Do Docker and VirtualBox play well together on Linux? [closed]

I'm currently having issues with a server which randomly freezes. The server is running:

  1. OpenSUSE 42.2, with latest updates
  2. Kernel 4.10.1-2.g561cf31-default (from
  3. Docker version 1.12.6, build 78d1802
  4. VirtualBox 5.1.14r112924
  5. The machine has 12 cores & 32GB ram and has hyper threading enabled. (after all services have been started there is ~19GB free RAM left)

For a long time we have been using VirtualBox to create virtual machines with various Linux distributions so we can test our product. Recently we decided to migrate our Linux based VirtualBox machines to Docker. Unfortunately we can't fully migrate to Docker just yet. This is why we have kept a 1 virtual machine running as well. At first, everything was working flawlessly, but once time went by, the machine started freezing randomly. There are no logs and nor indication of what might be causing this. I have ruled out hardware issues - we have enough CPU, RAM and HDD to run all the services we need and the hardware is working fine.

As an experiment, I stopped all of the VirtualBox machines and disabled all VirtualBox related services which were starting at boot and rebooted. So far we haven't had a single freeze.

This leads to my questions - can Docker and VirtualBox run on the same machine without interfering with each other?

Based on a forum post with the exact same problem I found from 2014, it apperas you shouldn't be running both Docker and VirtualBox at the same time. The exact quote is:

You should not run two virtualizers at the same time. Bad things can happen.

Post can be found here.

P.S. Please feel free to post an answer/comment should the situation change in the future.