How to do window roll-up/shade in 16.04?

Does 16.04 include the ability to use the mouse wheel on the title bar to roll the window pane up/down like window blinds/shades?

This is a really handy feature if you have a cluttered screen.

Try CCSM compizconfig-settings-manager with it's plugins (via synaptic), there you should find a lot of configuration options including window and mouse behaviour.

Unity on 16.04 LTS out-the-box has Window Roll Up / Window Roll Down functionality which is accessed by Ctrl+Alt+s and set by

$ gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings toggle-shaded

User can set middle-click action to shade with:

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences \
action-middle-click-titlebar 'toggle-shade'

But shading seems to be broken on Unity - window shades and then immediately hides in dock. This bug 1313446 is already reported to launchpad.

But these options works better on GNOME FlashBack Session which is installed with

sudo apt-get install gnome-panel

shaded calculator on Xenial

And of course them work normally on MATE DE and Cinnamon.