Ubuntu gives black/no graphics after waking up from sleep

First,though this is a duplicate question,but i am asking because the other posts didnt help me,and my case is a little different i guess.

This problem is not recent but since 4-5 ubuntu releases...

When i put my system to sleep,it goes to sleep but when wakes up the screen is totally blank. At this moment the real OS is awake as from a diff system,i can do ssh and even tried to play an mp3 file through mplayer and the music played through the speakers.

So the real issue is that the graphics system is not waking up.

I can debug whats wrong and can compare few things before the sleep and after wakeup,but i dont know what tools would help me to see whats wrong with the graphics hardware not waking up.

So please help me debug this problem.

PS: I am on ATI x700 Mobility Radeon Graphics.

Edit: Logs links: Before log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/607342/

After log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/607346/

The only suspicious message I found in your logs (kern.log) was:

[drm:drm_mode_getfb] *ERROR* invalid framebuffer id

I'm not sure whether this is

Other things to try:

  • Update your system!
  • Restart GDM over SSH:

    sudo stop gdm
    sudo start gdm

    (I had issues with just sudo restart gdm)

  • Reloading the radeon driver:

    sudo rmmod radeon
    sudo modprobe radeon
  • If you've SSH access, you can shutdown the machine by running:

    sudo shutdown -h now

    If not, you can try pressing Alt + SysRq combined with (in order): R, E, S, I, U, B with small delays (2 secs should be fine) between these. (see wikipedia for explanation)