How do you run a .bat file from PHP?

Can anyone tell me how to execute a .bat file from a PHP script?

I have tried:

exec("C:\[path to file]");
system("C:\[path to file]");

Nothing is working. I've checked the PHP manuals and googled around but can't find a good answer. Anyone know where I'm going wrong?

I'm running Windows 2003 Server and have successfully manually run the .bat file and it does what I need it to; I just need to be able to launch it programatically.

Solution 1:

You might need to run it via cmd, eg:

system("cmd /c C:[path to file]");

Solution 2:

exec('c:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /c START C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.bat');

Solution 3:

When you use the exec() function, it is as though you have a cmd terminal open and are typing commands straight to it.

Use single quotes like this $str = exec('start /B Path\to\batch.bat');
The /B means the bat will be executed in the background so the rest of the php will continue after running that line, as opposed to $str = exec('start /B /C command', $result); where command is executed and then result is stored for later use.

PS: It works for both Windows and Linux.
More details are here :)