Solution 1:

Try using a lambda expression to capture the arguments.

Thread standardTCPServerThread = 
  new Thread(
    unused => startSocketServerAsThread(initializeMemberBalance, arg, 60000)

Solution 2:

Here is a bit of code that uses the object array approach mentioned here a couple times.

    string p1 = "Yada yada.";
    long p2 = 4715821396025;
    int p3 = 4096;
    object args = new object[3] { p1, p2, p3 };
    Thread b1 = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(worker));
    private void worker(object args)
      Array argArray = new object[3];
      argArray = (Array)args;
      string p1 = (string)argArray.GetValue(0);
      long p2 = (long)argArray.GetValue(1);
      int p3 = (int)argArray.GetValue(2);

Solution 3:

You need to wrap them into a single object.

Making a custom class to pass in your parameters is one option. You can also use an array or list of objects, and set all of your parameters in that.