Allow non-admin users rdp session kill rights on Win 2K8 R2 Terminal Server

According this technet post you can set "Logoff" or/and "Disconnect" permission in Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration.

To configure permissions for a connection:

  1. On the RD Session Host server, open Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration. To open Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration, click Start, point to Administrative Tools, point to Remote Desktop Services, and then click Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration.
  2. Under Connections, right-click the name of the connection, and then сlick Properties.
  3. In the Properties dialog box for the connection, on the Security tab, configure the permissions as appropriate for your environment, and then click OK.

It's not possible as far as I can tell. While you can likely assign rights to kill a process (it would be complicated but possible I think), listing the processes would require admin rights. However, if you are giving another user the ability to control processes, and reboot, you are effectively giving admin rights to that user anyway.

A better question might be how to prevent "rogue" rdp sessions in the first place.