MTP Connection: Unable to mount Samsung Android error many times in a minute!

I use Ubuntu 16.04 LTS on my PC and I'm trying to connect my Samsung S6 device to this Ubuntu with USB on MTP Connection. I always get this popping up:

unable to mount Samsung Android

I can't even copy even an audio track. I'm developing Android apps and need to test on my device but I cannot get full connection between adb and my phone. I see my device name on the list but the same message pops up every 30 seconds.

enter image description here

I just took a screenshot. The shadows mean there are many instances of the same dialog under that! And it already opened many empty folders as you can see. This happened in just 1 or 2 mins.

What I have tried

  • I added attr to 51-android.rules and 69-libmtp.rules with lsusb results
  • installed libmtp-1.1.12 , gmtp , mtp-tools, go-mtpfs , gvfs , mtpfs
  • tried on both usb2.0 and usb3.0 port
  • tried with debug enabled and disabled
  • already selected MTP Connection type in USB Configuration under the Developer Options Menu in Android

My Galaxy S4 will do the same thing on a 3.0 USB port. Try using a 2.0 USB port if you have one. You might also try a different USB cord. It shouldn’t make a difference, but it does. I got mine to work with a 3.0 port by swapping out cords until I found one that did the job.

I had the same problem. I'm using 16.04. I just had to install mtpfs. Run in terminal:

sudo apt-get install mtpfs

Thanks to this Stack Overflow answer!

I was having similar problems - the phone would charge, but the computer (ubuntu 16.04) wasn't "seeing" it, i.e. it wasn't mounting.

For me, it didn't have anything to do with USB 2.0 or 3.0 or any of the MTP libraries. It was simply the USB cable. I've tested a bunch of different micro USB cables and have observed that with the cables that work, the pins inside the micro USB part are closer to the front than on cables that don't work.


