pulse audio equaliser not working in ubuntu 18.04

Solution 1:

None of the above solutions worked for me, so here is what I found helpful in my case:

cleanup the previous mess:

sudo apt purge pulseaudio-equalizer
sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8

Install the pulseeffects (equalizer included):

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mikhailnov/pulseeffects -y
sudo apt update
sudo apt install pulseeffects

Pulseeffects comes with equalizer so there is no need to install the equalizer separately. The above solution works perfectly in case of Ubuntu 18.04 and I found it here https://github.com/wwmm/pulseeffects/wiki/Package-Repositories

Solution 2:

This is how I fixed that on my 18.04 LTS:

I cloned a newer version of pulseaudio-equalizer from github and did the configuration. The way to do that is as follows:

$ cd ~/Desktop && mkdir tmp && cd tmp
$ git clone https://github.com/kernelOfTruth/pulseaudio-equalizer.git
$ cd pulseaudio-equalizer
$ cp -R share/pulseaudio-equalizer/presets/ ~/.config/pulse/
$ cp equalizerrc ~/.config/pulse
$ sudo cp -R share/applications/ share/pulseaudio-equalizer/ /usr/share/
$ sudo cp bin/pulseaudio-equalizer bin/pulseaudio-equalizer-gtk /bin/
$ cd ~/.config/pulse
$ touch ~/.config/pulse/equalizerrc.availablepresets
$ sudo chmod +x /usr/share/pulseaudio-equalizer/pulseaudio-equalizer.py
$ python /usr/share/pulseaudio-equalizer/pulseaudio-equalizer.py

Then at this point just enable the equalizer and apply the settings.

UPDATE: After a while (messing up with audio settings), I discovered that the equalizer never persists (enabling it misbehaved). That took me back to square 1. To resolve that I downloaded pulseeffects and used it to trick pulseaudio-equalizer like this:

$ wget https://launchpad.net/~yunnxx/+archive/ubuntu/gnome3/+files/pulseeffects_1.313entornosgnulinuxenial-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb
$ sudo dpkg -i pulseeffects_1.313entornosgnulinuxenial-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb

Then I:

  1. Launched and enabled equalizer on pulseeffects,
  2. Launched and enabled pulseaudio-equalizer
  3. Exited pulseeffects

NOTE: Pulseeffects doesn't persist. I have no idea how, but it tricks pulseaudio-equalizer to persist. Beats me.