Apache web server is listening on ipv6 type

I installed an application in HP server that itself installs apache 2.4 web server.I gave ipv4 address to this application.

But I checked the status of this service in the server.I found that apache web server is listening by ipv6 type and on ports 80 and 443.

I fail to understand whether any problem occurs as application has ipv4 ip and service is listening by ipv6.

Server has RHEL 6.5

By default, Apache will listen on all IPs, both IPv6 and IPv4. This is defined by the Listen directive :

Listen 80

If you want to restrict it IPv4 only, change the setting to


This will limit Apache to listening only to IPv4 connections. Repeat this for port 443 if you want to stop Apache from listening for HTTPS on IPv6.