Portrait primary display rotates touchpad

I have Windows 7 64bit on a Lenovo T530 laptop (1600x900) with a Lenovo ThinkVision LT2452p monitor (1920x1200). I set up screen resolution like this:

  • Compose displays.
  • Set the primary display to LT2452p monitor.
  • Set the LT2452p monitor to portrait.


  • Task bar is on the LT2452p monitor (exactly what I wanted). Minitor orientation is correct.
  • Attached USB Mouse moves correctly.
  • Touch pad directions are rotated 90 degrees. Moving up moves to cursor right. Moving right moves the cursor down.
  • Mini joystick is rotated like the touchpad.

I browsed through the touch pad settings ("UltraNav" tab at mouse properties) but did not find any rotation options. It is not allowed to install any solutions from John Doe as it is a company laptop.

UPDATE: I also cannot install unmaintained software like, EeeRotate or ScreenMouseRotate.

For Synaptics (and some derived) touchpads and pointing sticks, a bit of digging through the registry turned up persistent, per-user, axis rotation angles and a per-system, auto-rotation control.

Applying the following patch, either immediately before logging out (and back in) logging out reverts the axes and leaves them so.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00




Applying the patch either between killing and restarting 'SynTpEnh.exe' (per user) or just before entering or leaving the touchpad control panel may also work (less disruptively), but remains untested.

As always, save the original values before applying the patch--especially the autorotation flag, which is OEM dependent and not documented in the Synaptics reference driver release notes.

User smc in the comments above suggested kiilling the SynTPEnh.exe [Synaptec pointing driver] to fix the mouse issues. While this works, it also breaks all TouchPad and UltraNav features. I searched my drive for another copy and it turns out there was a version from 2010 on there. Launched that and I got my scrolling back even with a vertical monitor!

If you plan on using a vertical monitor setup on a regular basis with Synaptec hardware, see if downgrading the driver is a viable option.

Another note: This issue only seems to come up when the primary monitor is in portrait mode. If you don't want to downgrade, see if you can run your primary monitor horizontally and your secondary/tertiary/etc. monitor(s) vertically.