function to automatically remove special characters from file names during saving in MacOS X

You can create an Automator service to do this in all applications that support services (which is almost all of them).

Open Automator and select to create a Service that receives selected text in any application and check Output replaces selected text.

Add a single Run Shell Script action from the library, and paste the following script code:

sed 's|[^a-zA-Z0-9]||g'

This specific script, a simple sed substitution will remove all non alpha-numeric characters from the file name. It uses a-zA-Z0-9 as a whitelist of allowed characters, add to it as desired.

You can do other actions as well, and chain them together. For example, tr [A-Z] [a-z] will lowercase everything, and sed 's|[^a-zA-Z0-9]||g' | tr [A-Z] [a-z] will combine the two.

Save as e.g. Sanitize Filename, and optionally assign a keyboard shortcut in System Preferences » Keyboard » Keyboard Shortcuts » Services. You should be able to invoke services using Quicksilver as well, just type their name.

Whenever you're in a Save as… or similar dialog, select the suggested file name (it's selected by default):

enter image description here

Invoke the service Program Menu » Services » Sanitize Filename (or use the keyboard shortcut you invoked). It will pipe the file name through the script, and use its output to replace the selection.

enter image description here

For title-casing and removing bad characters (I also keep underscore, dot and hyphen in), the following script code seems to mostly work for me:

perl -ane 'foreach $wrd(@F){print ucfirst($wrd)." ";}' | sed 's|[^a-zA-Z0-9_.-]||g'

enter image description here

Same idea as Daniel had. Create a Service in Automator. Replace the Run Shell Script shell with /usr/bin/ruby, and add the following:

input, output =, ""
input.each("\s") {|word| output << word.capitalize}
puts output.gsub!(/[^0-9A-Za-z\-]/, '')

This will get you the capitalization and you can do a bit more, of course, if you know Ruby. You could trigger the Service using QuickSilver but you would need to activate your browser using AppleScript before, I guess.