Problems with graphics of Sony Vaio Z

Finally I found solution in this web: :D

Thanks to "gokulvarma" -> with nomodeset I enter to console mode (tty). And I installed:

  • linux-image-2.6.36-0-vaioz_2.6.36-0.1_amd64.deb
  • linux-headers-2.6.36-0_2.6.36-0.1_all.deb
  • linux-headers-2.6.36-0-vaioz_2.6.36-0.1_amd64.deb

Thanks to Adam and Sony Vaio Z group, in launchpad, for this kernel! :))

So now work X mode and I can use both GPU. Nvidia graphic use Nouveau. If I install Nvidia driver (recommended or last) 3D mode is disable.

Both graphic work good with 3D mode but...

  • if I enter to Display setting or open some program (which use wine) display blind 1 or 2 times (only extern monitor).
  • sometimes Intel graphic not detect well extern monitor on the boot.

Other hardware work fine. Touch-pad work thanks to same patched kernel.

I hope this patch will be in new stable kernel.

PS. I installed Ubuntu 10.10 x64 with nomodeset. Here are steps for installation.

Update (2010.11.26): Kernel updated to 2.6.37-6. Thanks Adam! =))

Update (2011.04.30): I tried update to Ubuntu 11.04 on my VPCZ11C5E and all work (without any patch) fine less Intel GPU (only works Nvidia). Any way when I find so patch which improve Sony Vaio Z performance I going to post here.

Press e on getting the GRUB bootloader(if not getting grub, press and hold shift key to get grub).

Go to the line which says 'quiet and splash', delete these words and type in "nomodeset" (without quotes) Now press Ctrl + X to boot

Now login to your Ubuntu as usual. If you have a Nvidia graphics card, this may be the issue with it.

Now goto System->Administration->Hardware drivers, and select and activate the nvidia current driver if you have an nvidia card. The driver will be downloaded and activated automatically, and you will be prompted for a reboot.

The sony-vaio-z-series Linux community is doing a great job at keeping up with the hardware nuisances. There are basically two z-series lines, the 2009 one and the 2010 one. Most of the linux-specific modules and tweaked kernels are now up-to-date to both. The Sony Vaio Z-series is the priciest of the kind but Linux people seem to be loving it. Asus U/UL series and Acer Timeline models are also doing well:

Yep, it worked for me too! Sony Vaio series Z 2010, I installed Kubuntu 10.10 with the nomodeset option to be able to see the installing graphical interface, then copied the Adams 2.6.37_amd64 linux image and headers, installed it with dpkg and it worked! Touchpad is working, screen brightness is working. However, I cannot figure out which graphic card is running. How can I know it?

I'm happy owner of VPCZ11. Some time ago I've patched my bios and set video card switching policy to manual. That way I got my nvidia card working with proprietary drivers and 'nomodeset' setting in grub. But brightness control wasn't working.

I got installed patched 2.6.37 kernel and almost succeed. What I've got is: both video cards working (intel and nvidia). Nvidia card is working with Nuoveau drivers (a bit slower than with original drivers). Brightness control works with both cards. But suspend doesn't work. Actually laptop suspends properly, but on keypress it performs fresh boot. Now I'm back to unpatched kernel on Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick. Suspend works fine, but Intel card is not usable and brightness control doesn't work too.

What I want is: have suspend working with intel card and patched kernel. I don't want performance, I'm writing code that should perform elsewhere and not on my laptop :) And I'm not a gamer person.

Thank you all for any suggestion/help :) Ubuntu forever! :) Banzai!


I've managed all my problems. Now I've got intel graphics card with 3D acceleration (read compiz) and suspend working. Read on:

  • I've installed fresh ubuntu 10.10
  • updated to natty kernel 2.6.38 from ppa (via deb packages) from
  • installed edge graphics and xorg from but I didn't install everything related to nvidia (because it's GLX module conflicts with mesa glx)
  • using only i8042.nopnp (to make touchpad work) in grub settings, and don't use 'nomodeset' setting
  • I use no kernel patches

So seems like 2.6.38 has fixed dkms for vaio laptops :) Congrats everyone! Waiting for Natty :)