Apache server - domain name return "404 Not Found"
Your web server's configuration is OK. To access certain host via host name, instead of IP-address, you must have pre-configured Domain Name Service / Server (DNS). There is two solutions:
1st. If you want you can configure yours own DNS which you can use in your local network. Here you go the manual - look at Primary Master configuration.
2nd. You can buy (register) a domain name from any DNS provider. This domain will be accessible from the Internet. For example I bought one from host.bg - there has a promotion of .info at the moment.
In this case you will need a (public) static IP-adress or pre-configured Dynamic DNS (DDNS), which will connects your dinamic IP-adress with the domain name.
I've made short survey and I found that domain zbytki.cz is registred from someone - hope that is you.
When I checked with $ nslookup zbytki.cz
it returns: ** server can't find zbytki.cz: NXDOMAIN
So the domain is registered but is not configured to work with certain (static) IP address.