Very slow write rate from ext4 to NTFS

I'm quite new with Ubuntu, I ve just installed Ubuntu 16.04.

I was "playing" with it and I discovered a strange thing.

I have a ssd with 3 partition, 1 in ext4 with Ubuntu, 1 in NTFS with windows10 and 1 with no operating system in NTFS.

I ve noticed that when I copy a file from NTFS to ext4 it goes very quickly, for example 2 GB are copied in 10-20 sec. But when I try to copy something from ext4 to NTFS everything goes very slowly, like 100-200 kbps.

Is there a solution to fix it? Why is it happening? I'm really curious about that!

Thanks for your attention :)

I have founded a solution: I’ve changed the sync to async in this /etc/fstab line that I used to tell Ubuntu to auto-mount the disk:

UUID=<uuid> <pathtomount> <file system> uid=<userid>,gid=<groupid>,umask=0022,sync,auto,rw 0 0.

(Source for auto-mounting the disk when the system starts)

I have had this problem in the past.

First, make sure ntfs-3g is installed. In Ubuntu and other distros, I have been able to mount drives without it, but always had corrupted data and strange permission problems.

The next thing to do is to mount the drive with the big_writes option as follows, which will help with getting much better write speeds on NTFS drives.

sudo mount -o big_writes /dev/sdX1 /mnt/media