Hated with the Legion early in the game - Do I have to restart?

Entered Nipton, met Vulpes, heard his speech. Decided that he had to die, so had Dynamite and the Cowboy Repeater make quick business of them.

Now I'm Level 6 and vilified with Caesar's Legion, which means that I get randomly stalked by Legion Assassins with exactly 0.00000% chance to survive. Tried planting mined or shooting at their guns, but at Level 6 it's simply not feasible to encounter them.

Do I really have to restart the game? I'm playing on the Xbox 360, so sadly no cheat console...

Solution 1:

You should be able to salvage this situation.

My suggestion? Get some backup. From Nipton, continue on to Novac ASAP and recruit Boone to watch your back - he'll go a long way to helping you survive Legion Assassins.

If you're still getting roasted every time they manage to catch you, make sure you're fighting smart: Melee weapons are better than guns for overcoming DT in the early game, and armor penetrating ammo, while not common, should be available a few rounds at a time from most vendors. Stick to the roads and watch your back, and follow the main quest as single mindedly as you can. Once you get to the Strip and meet Mr. House, you'll be able to clean your slate with the Legion and go from there.

Solution 2:

I was able to get through this encounter solo by using a bunch of meds before the battle, putting on some good armor (I think I had the space suit by this point), laying down a bunch of trip mines in the ambush's path, then alternating between my rifle (real-time) and dynamite (VATS). I had to use several stimpaks near the end, but I made it through, and I haven't seen the Legion since.

You could also try going back and finding a dead Legion NPC and wearing their armor, which may disguise you sufficiently to avoid the ambush. I didn't think of that until after I'd beat it, but it's worth a try.

Solution 3:

If you're desperate to get past them and have a stealth boy to spare, it'll get you through the ambush without any problems