ReFS / storage spaces drive being dropped under heavy load

Storage spaces seems very sensitive to write latency: if it too much spikes, the volume can be dropped.

This seems a know problem when using consumer SSDs, as you can find here

First, you really should check the HCL. I'd bet a pretty nice dinner, nothing you mentioned there is on Storage Spaces HCL. Like vSAN, Windows and Storage Spaces have completely different HCLs. I can tell without even looking up your drives, that none of them are going to be on the HCL, because none of them are enterprise grade drives.

If you want a stable solution, get an LSI SAS card (non-RAID), get enterprise SATA HDDs and get an Intel dc series SSD. Is it expensive? Yep. Will it be reliable? As much as Windows can be when it comes to storage (which isn't great).

Me, I dumped storage spaces and went back to an LSI RAID card. Went from data corruption every week to rock solid storage for over two years on the same hardware. And I had ALL enterprise grade kit that was on the HCL.

You can find the Hardware Compatibility List (HCL) here