I am struggling with an issue of Windows SMB share mounted on Linux servers getting disconnected once in a while.

To give a brief introduction about my environment, I have few linux servers which has CIFS shares mounted from Windows file share (support SMB 3 only). I have mounted these shares on Linux servers with below option via fstab file.

//servername/folder /localfolder   cifs   credentials=/login.txt,x-systemd.automount,x-systemd.device-timeout=5,_netdev,noserverino,noperm,sec=ntlmssp,vers=3.0 0 0

The above share gets disconnected and automatically unmounted once in a while (no regular frequency, may be in few days or once in a week) from the Linux servers. Upon checking the messages logs, I see below error:

kernel: CIFS VFS: BAD_NETWORK_NAME: \\servername\folder

To fix this, I have to manually unmount the share and mount it again.

As you can see in the mount option from fstab file, I have given options to automatically remount the share upon disconnection. But it doesn't work still. Am I using wrong mount options or is it a known issue? I need help desperately here.

I had the same problem. This post mentions that you need to indicate the name of the share and not the exact path:

sudo mount.cifs -o credentials=/home/pierrejean/.smbcredentials_207 // /mnt/Samba 

-> mount error(2): No such file or directory
(BAD_NETWORK_NAME: \\volume2)

sudo mount.cifs -o credentials=/home/pierrejean/.smbcredentials_207 // /mnt/Samba

-> works as expected