Increase font size of putty

I am using putty for remote login in Linux in Ubuntu. The font size of terminal is very small. How can I increase it's font size.

  • Putty configuration
  • Window
  • Appearance
  • Font Settings
  • Font
  • Change
  • Size: pick the smallest one possible, which is 8 for me
  • Go back to "Sessions", select a "saved session" and click "Save". Terrible interface design!

I wish I could go even smaller a bit, but it is already a huge improvement.

Tested on Putty 0.70, Windows 10 local, Ubuntu 16.04 remote.

The setup is somewhat different if you using Putty on Ubuntu.

Go to Fonts under Window, and change the Font used for ordinary text. Usually it's set to a default font by the server.

enter image description here

Here, you can select a font you want and update the preferred font size.

enter image description here