How to get the kernel version name from downloaded Ubuntu ISO

Say I have downloaded Ubuntu ISO from the official website of Ubuntu:

I have downloaded a file focal-desktop-amd64.iso and the extracted contents of this ISO file are


I am not able to get similar files like in installed Ubuntu 19.10, I have these files


Is there a way to get these file names from the Downloaded ISO without installing it on the system?

You can loop mount first the iso file and then the squashfs file,

Create mountpoints

sudo mkdir /mnt/lp1
sudo mkdir /mnt/lp2


sudo mount -o loop focal-desktop-amd64.iso /mnt/lp1
sudo mount -o loop /mnt/lp1/casper/filesystem.squashfs /mnt/lp2

Check for the kernel version

$ sudo find /mnt/lp2 -name "linux-image-[0-9.-]*-generic"

My focal iso file was not downloaded today, you may find a newer kernel version.

Please note that there are several files, that belong to the kernel.