parent::parent in PHP

I search a way to access to the parent, parent function of a class without to call the parent... Hmmm, that sound a bit weird explanation so i will give an example:

class myclass
  public function test() { return 'level 1'; }
class myclass2 extends myclass
  public function test() { return parent::test() . '-level 2'; }
class myclass3 extends myclass2
  public function test() { return parent::test() . '-level 3'; }
$example = new myclass3();
echo $example->test(); // should display "level 1-level 2-level 3"

I would like to display "level 1-level 3" then doing something like that:

class myclass3 extends myclass2
  public function test() { return parent::parent::test() . '-level 3'; }

Do you have an idea how I can do this? (I am not allow to edit myclass and myclass2, they are part of a framework...)

Simple solution. Use the root object myclass directly:

class myclass3 extends myclass2
  public function test() { return myclass::test() . '-level 3'; }

If you need a more general approach have a look at outis answer.

You could do it using get_parent_class

function get_grandparent_class($thing) {
    if (is_object($thing)) {
        $thing = get_class($thing);
    return get_parent_class(get_parent_class($thing));

class myclass3 extends myclass2 {
    public function test() {
      $grandparent = get_grandparent_class($this);
      return $grandparent::test() . '-level 3'; 

Or you could use reflection:

function get_grandparent_class($thing) {
    if (is_object($thing)) {
        $thing = get_class($thing);
    $class = new ReflectionClass($thing);
    return $class->getParentClass()->getParentClass()->getName();

However, it may not be a good idea, depending on what you're trying to achieve.