Xcode Interface Builder - "correct" way to delete/rename miswired IBOutlets / IBActions?

Solution 1:

Use the Connections inspector to break the connection. Then you can modify/delete the object and/or the code without having to worry.

enter image description here

Solution 2:

The accepted answer is fine, but there are a few ways to do the same thing.

Method One

Right click the view in the storyboard and then click the little x by the referencing outlet.

enter image description here

Method Two

Right click the view name in the Document Outline. Then click the little x by the referencing outlet.

enter image description here

Method Three

Select the view on the storyboard and then click the Connections Inspector. Then you can click the little x to remove an outlet reference.

enter image description here

Extra References in Code

enter image description here

If you are getting outlet connections in code that you didn't add yourself see this answer.

Solution 3:

You can find unused IBOutlets in the file in which they're declared by looking in the "gutter" of the source editor for an "unfilled hole".

enter image description here