Choose newline character in Notepad++

I notice that when I load a text file, Notepad++ will recognize and use whatever the newline character in that file is, \n or \r\n.

Is there some option where I can select which to use in a new document? (I've looked in help and googled, but can't find anything.)

Solution 1:

For a new document: Settings -> Preferences -> New Document/Default Directory -> New Document -> Format -> Windows/Mac/Unix

And for an already-open document: Edit -> EOL Conversion

Solution 2:

"Edit -> EOL Conversion". You can convert to Windows/Linux/Mac EOL there. The current format is displayed in the status bar.

Solution 3:

on windows 10, Notepad 7.8.5, i found this solution to convert from CRLF to LF.
Edit > Format end of line
and choose either Windows(CR+LF) or Unix(LF)