WordPress site user-login: 404 page not found

How can I debug and understand what is wrong with our WordPress site?

The site is working, but I can’t log into the WordPress console, http://example.com/user-login. I get “404 page not found”.

I am using Apache, but I do not think it is related to the problem. I transferred the site from WP Engine to an AWS instance: is there something that maybe I forgot to do? (I already did the database migrate.)

Solution 1:

Wp-admin is used for back-end access into Wordpress you really do not want to change that as it is hard-coded into the WordPress sytem, so every admin link will point back to the original folder, and you’ll never see any admin pages at all.

user-login is usually used for frontend login for users, creating post, comments etc. this is usually accomplished through a plug in.

If you are looking to harden you wordpress install follow this:
