Is it possible to quickscope in CS:GO?

Solution 1:

No quickscoping like in 1.6 does not work anymore there are a few things that cause this:

  1. Zooming in/out takes a lot longer it is no longer instant as in 1.6.
  2. If you are moving when zoomed in your accuracy is greatly reduced thus making it impossible to do real quickscopes like in 1.6 seeing you have to stand perfectly still for your shots to go anywhere near your target.

These 2 points make it impossible to quickscope cs 1.6 style.

the quickscoping you can do now is more like quickscoping in call of duty albeit less accurate.

Solution 2:

Quickscoping is covered in this video at the 1 min 51 second mark:

CS:GO quickscope and more

And it says it's basically still possible although not as accurate as in 1.6.
This video seems to confirm that it's still possible to quickscope.

Quoting a post in this Steam thread:

Quick scoping and no scoping are perfectly possible in CSGO ... Quickscoping is when you tap mouse2 just before or ~at same time as mouse1 so you are scoping in while shooting...