How do I programmatically click on an element in JavaScript?

Solution 1:

The document.createEvent documentation says that "The createEvent method is deprecated. Use event constructors instead."

So you should use this method instead:

var clickEvent = new MouseEvent("click", {
    "view": window,
    "bubbles": true,
    "cancelable": false

and fire it on an element like this:


as shown here.

Solution 2:

For firefox links appear to be "special". The only way I was able to get this working was to use the createEvent described here on MDN and call the initMouseEvent function. Even that didn't work completely, I had to manually tell the browser to open a link...

var theEvent = document.createEvent("MouseEvent");
theEvent.initMouseEvent("click", true, true, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null);
var element = document.getElementById('link');

while (element)
    if (element.tagName == "A" && element.href != "")
        if ( == "_blank") {,; }
        else { document.location = element.href; }
        element = null;
        element = element.parentElement;

Solution 3:

Using jQuery you can do exactly the same thing, for example:


Which will "click" all anchors on the page.

Solution 4: is a standard method outlined by the W3C DOM specification. Mozilla's Gecko/Firefox follows the standard and only allows this method to be called on INPUT elements.