Why does a find field value in one application show up in a the find field of another application?

On my MacBook Pro I have found that several applications seem to share the value for a find. For example, I searched 'applestackexchange' in Safari's unified address bar, then I switch to Xcode and click into a Find field. The first word of my search in Safari then appears there. iTerm2 and Sublime Text 2 also seem to participate in this sharing.

Running latest Mountain Lion on a 2012 MBP.

Solution 1:

I've found it. It's called FindScrap.

At the command line, enter:

defaults write <program> FindDialog_UsesFindScrap -bool NO

Where <program> is something like com.barebones.bbedit.

(source: https://www.barebones.com/support/bbedit/ExpertPreferences.html#texts, accessed 20180203)