Explicit self-references with no type / difference with ''this''
It is an alias for this
Your first example is useful for ensuring that the trait has been mixed in to an appropriate type, and makes those methods available.
The second example is useful when you have inner classes with naming conflicts, to make the outer scope visible. For example:
trait U {
self =>
val name = "outer"
val b = new AnyRef {
val name = "inner"
Then new AnyRef with U
"self" is not a special keyword - you can use "bananas =>" or whatever you like, but it's often used by convention.
This crops up quite a bit in Swing, where you make a lot on inner classes (textboxes within scrollpanes, etc), which usually have many methods with the same names as the outer classes.
In that case self
is a another way of saying this
If you happen to have an inner class, however, this
inside the inner class would be the inner class, and self
would be the container class.
That's the only difference AFAIK