Onresize for div elements?

Visual Studio highlighted my onresize attribute of my div tag, and says that it isn't a valid attribute for HTML5. Is this true? What should I use instead? It seems kind of silly that this would be the case.

Solution 1:

Microsoft's Internet Explorer supports onresize on all HTML elements. In all other Browsers the onresize is only available at the window object. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window.onresize

If you wanna have onresize at a div in all browsers check this:


This library has a class ResizeSensor which can be used for resize detection.

Solution 2:

Only Window.onResize exists in the specification. Please remember that every IFrame element creates new Window object which supports onResize. Therefore IMO the most reliable method to detect changes to the element's size is to append hidden iframes to the element.

If you are interested in a neat and portable solution, please check this plugin. It takes 1 line of code to listen the event of changing width or height of your div.

<!-- (1) include plugin script in a page -->
<script src="/src/jquery-element-onresize.js"></script>

// (2) use the detectResizing plugin to monitor changes to the element's size:
$monitoredElement.detectResizing({ onResize: monitoredElement_onResize });

// (3) write a function to react on changes:
function monitoredElement_onResize() {    
    // logic here...