How to tell jq to print the content of two keys for each instance returned by aws ec2 cli

Solution 1:

Here is an approach using some sample code and data from my answer to a similar question on Stack Overflow.

To choose multiple fields you can use Object Construction. E.g this filter makes an object containing just PublicDnsName and VpcId from each instance:

| .Instances[]
| {PublicDnsName, VpcId}

If this filter is in filter.jq and the sample data from that other answer is in data.json then running

$ jq -M -f filter.jq data.json


  "PublicDnsName": "xxxxxxxx",
  "VpcId": "vpc-eb09eb8e"

Once you have objects containing what you want getting the data into another format (e.g. csv) is easy. With this filter

| .Instances[]
| {PublicDnsName, VpcId}
| [.[]]
| @csv

and the -r option

$ jq -M -r -f filter.jq data.json

jq produces


To add a filtering condition, e.g. VpcId is not null, add a select.

| .Instances[]
| {PublicDnsName, VpcId}
| select(.VpcId != null)
| [.[]]
| @csv