Where can Terran spend extra minerals after building a tier 2-3 army?

This indicates that you should probably be picking up additional gas geysers sooner in the game, essentially as soon as you feel that you can safely do so.

As a Terran, you can also make additional Orbital Commands using the minerals and then sacrifice SCV's to your opponent. This slows down that income and also makes room for additional troops, since Mules don't use up any supply. Against Zerg on maps with choke points you can also create Planetary Fortresses as a way to gain map control.

If you feel they'll be useful, reactored Blue Flame Hellions are a cheap way to reinforce an army, assuming you've gone Mech into Starport play and have the armory upgrades already.

When you have more minerals then gas, just invest in infrastructure like Barracks. It does not matter if you did not go MMM in the first place, but every Terran army can be backed up by a steady Marine stream.

The idea is the following: You will get 200/200 eventually, then there will be a big fight where both armies will get decimated. Reinforcing with "big" units takes a lot of time and there will be a period where both players have small armies. Battlecruisers for example take 90 seconds and are not that fast. You cannot have a lot of Factories / Starports as they cost a gas. So building a "meaty" Mech or Air army takes really long.

During this time MMM is really strong. The smaller the armies the better Marines are. Plus they are very mobile.

Depending on your enemy you might want to add other structures like Turrets, Bunkers or Command Centers. Sometimes even more Supply depots on the other end of the map might be a good investment, so you can actually profit from a base race. While your opponent struggles with supply and production facilities you have a perfectly fine base in every corner of the map.