Is there an android-like live wallpaper for unity?

Is there any program which can run a 'live wallpaper' like the ones in Android? I've searched quite a bit but haven't found anything usable yet. anibg looks promising, but it is not working in 12.10.

You can use a video file or a screensaver as your wallpaper with VDesk, which can be downloaded here:

Just download the file, extract it, open a terminal window, cd to the folder where you extracted the archive, and run sudo ./installer && ./VDesk.
Next you'll get a very simple wizard which allows you to use a video file or a screensaver as your wallpaper.

Setting up VDesk

The Compiz-plugins-livewallpapers project has been abandoned by its developer, in order to be rewritten as a standalone application. That's why you should now remove the package compiz-plugins-livewallpapers and the ppa fyrmir/compiz-plugins, and add the ppa:fyrmir/livewallpaper-stable and then install the package livewallpaper.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:fyrmir/compiz-plugins
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install compiz-plugins-livewallpapers

Then launch ccsm (compizconfig-settings-manager). Enable the livewallpaper plugin and then Galaxy or Nexus plugin.

Check the autostart option to enable it on session startup.