How to play MP3 files using Rhythmbox? [duplicate]

Solution 1:

First enable the Multiverse do that open Software Sources and click on spftware restricted by copyright(multiverse repository)(you can also enable all as i have done)

enter image description here

Then just open the terminal and type
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras

Also as in your case you do not seem to have Python. Install that by typing
sudo apt-get install python
if this does not work then download this package : Python for 32 bit systems

Solution 2:

Ubuntu comes with free and open source software by default, so proprietary software, like the software you need to play mp3's, is not included on a fresh install. But you can still install it. Click on the link below, or start the Ubuntu Software Center, from there, install a package called ubuntu-restricted-extras. That should solve your issue.

Install via the software center

Another way to get this done is just to try to play an mp3 file. A plugin search will appear. Click the Install button after the search is completed. This also works.