mount webdav fails on reboot

i've got a vhost running ubuntu 12.10. i installed davfs2 and edited my /etc/fstab file like the following: /mnt/s02 davfs defaults 0 0

now mounting this using mount -a works fine. also if i type reboot after connecting using ssh on my vhost as root user, my drive gets mounted correctly.

but using the web-backend of my provider (digitalocean) and clicking "reboot" there, i get an error after my machine starts up:

failed boot

any ideas why this is happening and how to fix this?

Solution 1:

The error Could not resolve hostname '': host not found probably means the network is not up while trying to mount.

It is recommended to set the _netdev mount option that means: device requires network to be available. This way, it will wait until there is a link available before trying to mount: /mnt/s02 davfs defaults,_netdev 0 0