Unable to execute dex: Multiple dex files define

I know this question has been asked here a few times before. But i haven't seen any possible solution yet. Before i make the project 'Run as Android Application' , if i do not clean it, i receive the following error and have to restart Eclipse ... and clean again.

Conversion to Dalvik format failed: Unable to execute dex: Multiple dex files define

com.jstun.core... is a part of my src folder, of course i can't remove it. And even if i remove that package, another package will show up as an error like:

Unable to execute dex: Multiple dex files define

I've seen this error since updating to ADT 15, i'm using Eclipse Galileo on Ubuntu Do you have any idea? Thanks for any reply!

This is a build path issue.

  • Make sure your bin folder is not included in your build path.

  • Right click on your project -> go to properties -> Build Path.

  • Make sure that Honeycomb library is in your libs/ folder and not in your source folder.

  • Include the libraries in libs/ individually in the build path.

    BTW, you may want to bring in the android-support-v4 library to get Ice Cream Sandwich support instead of the Honeycomb support library.

I have encountered a similar error today and the reason was that the support library was referenced by two library projects used by my app project but with different versions.

In more details: My app depends on 2 library projects

  • FaceBookSDK 3.0 -> which is referencing android-support-v4
  • ActionBarSherlock -> which is referencing android-support-v4 but with a modified version to support maps.

To solve the problem I had to make FaceBookSDK library depend on ABS library instead of the support library directly.