What's the harm of dying in Spore?

Is there any harm, or any other effect from dying in Spore, in cell or creature phase?

It seems to me that the only consequence is that you get a death mark to your evolution history. However you still get to keep the collected evolution discoveries (new parts), all the collected DNA points.

I mean sure, the game is partly based on the story you are creating for your species, and it's sad to see your little critter bite the dust. However, it doesn't seem like there's much point in trying to avoid risk. One could even go as far as to consider using death as a teleport back to home nest in creature phase (the poor little creature just wandered too far, oh the tragedy...) Is there something I'm missing here?

Solution 1:

The main problem is the loss of any companions in creature phase, which can take time to regain; especially if you're taking other species with you.

Solution 2:

In all my playthroughs, I've never found a penalty to dying in the early stages.

However, I am emotional attached to a creature, so don't often die.

There are in-game awards/achievements, so it could be possible there is one for a certain number of deaths or playing through the game with no deaths, but I have never gotten one nor am very into these awards, so I can't tell you about them.

Solution 3:

There are only two death based achievements in spore, and only one of them is in the creature stage:

General Custer: Lead 30 posse members to their deaths.

The other is part of the tribal stage:

Watchful Parent: Complete the tribal stage without the death of a tribe member

Other than those, death is pretty meaningless. You get a mark on your evolutionary history, and a small, skippable, cutscene, and that's it.

Solution 4:

There are 4 achievements related to you (or your allies) dying, and Raven Dreamer said 2 of them.

He forgot to mention

Survivor: Finish the Creature Stage without dying.

as well as

Can't Win for Losing: Die at least once in every stage in spore.
