Looking for a word similar to “optimize”, but for describing articles

Suppose I wrote an article, and I want other gurus to make it better, first thought was optimize my article, but after looking up that word, it means do something most efficiently, so it’s far from my meaning.

What word should I use in replace of optimize?

___ my article”

What other gurus would be doing to your article would be revise or review it. In the Acknowledgements section, you'd then typically say, "Many thanks to Guru Jack and Guru Jane for reviewing early versions of the draft" or something to that extent.

You can simply use the verb improve.

I would say 'copy-edit' — as in, when you say guru, if you mean someone who knows the subject matter that you want to make sure what you've written makes sense, is accurate, and isn't being overly wordy or assuming the reader knows something that may need clarification.

So may be suitable if you wanted someone to review what you've written for problems, but not making their own changes in the tone or content of the piece above and beyond this.

From Wikipedia:

The "five Cs" summarize the copy editor's job: Make the copy clear, correct, concise, complete, and consistent. Copy editors should make it say what it means, and mean what it says.

Typically, copy editing involves correcting spelling, punctuation, grammar, terminology, jargon, and semantics, and ensuring that the text adheres to the publisher's style or an external style guide.

Copy editors are expected to ensure that the text flows, that it is sensible, fair, and accurate, and that any legal problems have been addressed. If a passage is unclear or an assertion seems questionable, the copy editor may ask the writer to clarify it.

How about asking them to amend your work?

v. to change for the better