How are "special" dragons treated in races?

Special dragons like rainbow and sun are sort of treated differently. They are non-elemental in a way. When you race, all the other dragons that race are "special" dragons, too. The type of race you race in (Ulster Meadows, Shimmering Fautline, etc.) doesn't matter; it is the boosting skills and luck. If you have great boosting skills (when you tap the line to boost), you will definitely get good rankings. Sometimes it's just plain ol' luck. You can use great boosting, but still end up in 5th place. If you are getting normal dragons when you race with a "rare" dragon, something must be wrong. That shouldn't be happening, it's unnatural. Unless you are racing with a normal dragon, you shouldn't get normal dragons as opponents. Perhaps it is a glitch. But the main idea here is that when you race with an "epic" dragon or any special dragon, it is not the racing theme that matters, it is the luck and boosting skills.
