Problems with TTY and ALT+F4

so I don't know why but when I type ALT+F4 Ubuntu firstly pass to TTY4 and when I go back to TTY7 to login in my previous screen, after entered, it'll close the window (that I was trying to close).

What I would to do is:

  1. Don't pass to any TTY#(except with CTRL+ALT+F)
  2. Only close the window that I'm trying to close;

What can I do? Thanks to everyone!

Solution 1:

This bug was reported years ago to the devs team, but it is supposed to be fixed with the latest versions of Ubuntu.

If you're not using russian keyboard, I'd say you could just remove the package console-cyrillic responsible for this, or run this patch.

Source here

EDIT: As comments suggest, updating grub with sudo update-grub seems to solve this issue, somehow