How do I find out if I am behind a firewall?

OK, so I live in an apartment that offers me internet, but I have no idea through who, or what type. I have all of my computers running through my router, that is plugged into the Ethernet port in my wall. I would like to run a web server, but am unsure if I have a public ip available to me.

I can access my server from within the network at . I forwarded the port through my router, but if I try to access it through my public ip, the connection times out.

The only information I could find on my router's (belkin) configuration is that the WAN IP it reports is the same as my public ip. I am unsure if I am not connecting because I have configured things wrong, or because I am behind another firewall I can't access. Is there any way to discover additional levels of firewalls between me and the internet?

Solution 1:

if the router is reporting your WAN ip as your public IP then you have a public IP assigned to you.

If you want to know who the provider is you can do a lookup as to who the owner is ARIN's lookup site if you are in the US.

As far as if you are behind a firewall - that will be more difficult since even if you did something like an nmap scan your belkin would probably drop the packets anyway.

You should also note that running servers is against every TOS i've seen on consumer level internet connections, and some providers (Verizon i'm looking at you) will filter common server ports (25, 80, 443, 110, etc)

Honestly if you want to run a web server the least headache would be to shell out the 10$ or so a month for a hosted website.

Solution 2:

As Zypher said your router should report the IP on the WAN link. If you go to it will display your public IP address. If that IP address doesn't match the IP on the routers WAN link then there's another router between you and the internet.