Does Xubuntu 21.04 use Wayland by default?

I came across this question, and it seems that OP is having issues with Redshift due to Xubuntu using Wayland. I was under the impression that XFCE plans to support Wayland in the upcoming version 4.18, and it does not support Wayland yet.

So, does Xubuntu 21.04 use Wayland by default?

Solution 1:

Yes, it does I found out after upgrading from 20.10. There were some glitches in Gnome extensions, and at one moment I noticed an error message like "this function doesn't work in Wayland".

So I rebooted and checked the login page. Indeed, the cog wheel gave me an option with Xorg and one with Wayland.

Solution 2:

It is documented that Xubuntu (Xfce4) will be receiving Wayland in the future, but it is not there in Xubuntu 21.04 by default. I setup a quick VM and installed Xubuntu 21.04 just to verify. It defaults to x11 and Wayland is not a login option.

enter image description here

enter image description here

Hope this helps!