How can I change the Apple ID that Xcode 4 uses to download components?

Solution 1:

You can change the Apple Developer ID that Xcode has associated using Mac OS X's Keychain Access app:

  1. Quit Xcode
  2. Open Applications > Utilities > Keychain Access
  3. Locate the Keychain entry named " ([your Apple ID])" of kind Internet password
  4. Delete this Keychain entry and retry the download in Xcode by re-entering your credentials, or double click on the entry and update the Account and Password fields
  5. Open Xcode and retry the content download

Solution 2:

It's 2014 and I still got this answer by searching the error that pops up.

If you're using Xcode 5+, you can go to Xcode > preferences > accounts and add as many dev accounts as you would like.