Cannot load from mysql.proc. The table is probably corrupted

Solution 1:

Had a similar issue after restorting a db dump from mysql-5.5.29 to mariadb-5.5.41. mysql_upgrade fixed the issue

$ mysql_upgrade -u root -pxxx 

According to the mysql manual,

You should execute mysql_upgrade each time you upgrade MySQL.

Solution 2:

Most people that have this problem are recommending upgrading MySQL. If you're in a configuration, like me, in which this happens when you try to set up a SLAVE node to replicate from a MASTER node, you don't really want to mess up with versions.

I mean, in my case I had a Windows MASTER node and was setting up a Linux SLAVE node (so, doing the mysqldump dance first). Since upgrading MySQL is a bit more tricky in Linux (or rather, it's actually better not to do it, to enjoy the stability of Linux packages that, for example, come from your LTS distribution), it's maybe just a good idea to make sure that the MySQL version that you have in your Windows OS is running the same version as your MySQL version in your Linux OS.

Once I made sure both versions were the same, the mysqldump and restore worked, and I could set up a SLAVE node properly without receiving the dreadful error Cannot load from mysql.proc. The table is probably corrupted..

Hope this helps.

Solution 3:

I am using brew so: brew upgrade [email protected] helps

then update profile bash

echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/[email protected]/bin:$PATH"' >> /Users/mike/.bash_profile

And restart all terminals.