How to restore the URL in Google Chrome's omnibox, i.e. always show it without right-click "Show Url"

This used to be an experimental feature in Google Chrome, which did not seem to generate much discussion (I would have thought the public would be outraged).

Here's a link to a "bug" report

And the fix alternative appears to be to set a Chrome flag (which are distinct from settings)

  1. In the omnibox, browse to chrome://flags/#origin-chip-in-omnibox
  2. Change the setting to "Disabled"
  3. If the changes don't take effect immediately (i.e. the full URL is still not shown), close and reopen Chrome

Note: You can also show the full URL just by clicking on the "Origin Chip", i.e. the boxed domain name at the left of the omnibox. Take care to click on the chip, not just the omnibox, because the chip disappears if you click anywhere else on the omnibox.

Can't make that "chrome://" a link, some restriction