how to remove an element in lxml

Solution 1:

Use the remove method of an xmlElement :


for bad in tree.xpath("//fruit[@state=\'rotten\']"):
  bad.getparent().remove(bad)     # here I grab the parent of the element to call the remove directly on it

print et.tostring(tree, pretty_print=True, xml_declaration=True)

If I had to compare with the @Acorn version, mine will work even if the elements to remove are not directly under the root node of your xml.

Solution 2:

You're looking for the remove function. Call the tree's remove method and pass it a subelement to remove.

import lxml.etree as et

  <fruit state="rotten">apple</fruit>
  <fruit state="fresh">pear</fruit>
    <fruit state="rotten">strawberry</fruit>
    <fruit state="fresh">blueberry</fruit>
  <fruit state="fresh">starfruit</fruit>
  <fruit state="rotten">mango</fruit>
  <fruit state="fresh">peach</fruit>


for bad in tree.xpath("//fruit[@state='rotten']"):

print et.tostring(tree, pretty_print=True)


  <fruit state="fresh">pear</fruit>
  <fruit state="fresh">starfruit</fruit>
  <fruit state="fresh">peach</fruit>